Job title
Consultant stroke physician
Contact details
PA/secretary tel: 020 7794 0500 ext: 34365
PA/secretary email: rosalind.
Related services
Dr Nadarajan works as a consultant physician in stroke and geriatric medicine, based at the Royal Free Hospital. During his higher training he completed a stroke fellowship at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, and also spent a year as a Darzi Fellow. He is also an attending consultant on the hyper-acute stroke unit at University College Hospital.
GMC number
• Intra-Extra Cranial Meningioma presenting incidentally. Nadarajan V, Luder D, Goddin J, Doshi A; BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Jun 28;2012.
• Capsular warning syndrome. Nadarajan V, Adesina T; BMJ Case Rep. 2013 July 13:2013.
• TIA Mimics and Chameleons. Nadarajan V, Perry RJ, Johnson J, Werring DJ; Pract Neurol. 2014 Feb; 14(1): 23-31.
• Frequent attenders to a London Emergency Department: A study looking at the role of collaboration and individualised case management. Ng A, Nadarajan V, Mciver S, Reid C, Schofield E, Sachar A. London Journal of Primary Care, 2015. 7:4, 70-77,