Job title
Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, clinical director for gynaecological cancer
Contact details
Email: heatherevans
PA/secretary tel: 020 7830 2566
PA/secretary email: maureen.
Related services
Miss Evans qualified from the University Hospital of Wales in 1990 and completed my specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology at North West Thames, London. Throughout my training, she specialised in pre-invasive disease and early gynaecological cancers.
She came to the Royal Free London in 2001 as a research fellow looking at the role of HPV virus and cervical cancer.
Miss Elton was appointed as a consultant at the Royal Fre London in 2002 and have been working fulltime in the department since. Her special interest is pre-invasive disease and I have a weekly colposcopy clinic and out-patient treatment clinic. She is clinical lead for gynaecological cancer and chair the multidisciplinary team meeting. She has a weekly rapid access clinic and out-patient hysteroscopy clinic and alternate week operating list.
GMC number