
Miss Malik gained her medical degree with honours and the gold medal in obstetrics and gynaecology in 1991. She has trained in obstetrics in some of the largest tertiary level units in the country - her specialist training was undertaken in Cambridge, where she was also a research fellow funded by the MRC with a world-famous team looking at abnormal vessel function in women with excessively heavy periods or endometriosis.

She went on to successfully complete subspecialty accreditation in reproductive medicine and surgery at UCLH (London), where she remains an honorary consultant.

Miss Malik has worked as a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist as part of the recurrent miscarriage team at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington and as a consultant in IVF at CRGH - one of the country's leading IVF units. She is currently lead for early pregnancy/emergency gynaecology at Barnet Hospital.

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