Job title
Consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon and clincial lead
Contact details
Tel: 020 7794 0500 ext 35556
Email: shadi.
PA/secretary tel: 020 7794 0500 ext 35556
PA/secretary email: gerd.
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Mr Ghali has trained extensively in plastic and reconstructive surgery having undertaken his training in London, UK and New York, Stanford and Houston, USA. At New York and Stanford Universities, he pursued research into the genetic manipulation of microvascular free flaps which led to the award of an MD as well as the James Barrett Brown & Clifford C Snyder awards.
Mr Ghali is also a full member of the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons. He is a consultant plastic surgeon at the Royal Free London and an honorary senior lecturer at University College London. He has published comprehensively within plastic surgery literature and regularly presents his work internationally at conferences. He is actively involved in training surgeons.
Mr Ghali’s training and international fellowships in reconstruction and cosmetic surgery developed his special interests including breast and abdominal wall reconstruction and breast, face and body contouring procedures.
GMC number
• The Perils of Spinning Class: An Open Ankle Fracture following a Spinning Class Session Butler DP, Henry FP, Ghali S. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Dec;66(12):1801-2
• Nipple Elevation Using Loupes Magnification and a Double-Layer Purse-String Suture. Pagkalos VA, Ghali S, Hedén P. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013 April;37(2)354-8
• Pixie ear deformity following rhytidectomy: 'prevention is better than cure'. Ghali S, Pagkalos VA, Hedén P. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Oct;65(10):1433-4
• Minimally invasive component separation results in fewer wound-healing complications than open component separation for large ventral hernia repairs. Ghali S, Turza KC, Baumann DP, Butler CE, J Am Coll Surg. 2012 Jun; 214(6):981-9
• Butterfly reconstruction of the anterior scalp hairline using apposing STA island flaps. Cobb AR, Ghali S, Dunaway DJ, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Aug;65(8):e213-6
• Pectoralis major flap with sternum: achieving vascularized osseous reconstruction of the mandible without a free flap. Selber. JC, Ghali S, Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Feb;129(2):389e-391e
• The Surgical Management of Facial Palsy, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2011 Apr;64(4):423-31(Review) S.Ghali, A Macquillian, AO Grobbelaar
• Preservation of venous outflow improves transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap survival following vascular delay, Acta Chir Plast. 2009;51(1):11-4, Tsoutsos D, Gravvanis A, Kakagia D, Ghali S, Papalois A
• Treating chronic wound infections with genetically modified free flaps, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2009 April 123(4):1157-68S.Ghali, KA Bhatt, MP Dempsey, DM Jones, S Singh, S Arabi, PE Butler, RL Gallo, GC Gurtner , James Barrett Brown Award (Best Plastic Surgery Paper in 2008)
• Effects of Lidocaine and Epinephrine on Cutaneous Blood Flow, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2008 October 61(10):1226-31, S. Ghali, U. Scarpidis, J. Verbesey, K. Izadi, K.R. Knox, P.A. Ganchi
• Using Genetically Modified Free Flaps to Deliver Local Cancer Immunotherapy with Minimal Systemic Toxicity, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2008 May 121(5):1541-53, MP Dempsey, Hamou C, Michaels J Vth, S.Ghali, L Jazayeri, RH Grogan, GC Grurtner
• Plastic Surgery Delivery Systems for Targeted Gene Therapy , Annals of Plastic Surgery 2008 March 60(3): 323-332 (Review), S. Ghali, MP. Dempsey, PE Butler, MT. Longaker, GC Gurtner
• Pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate normal and diabetic wound healing by increasing endogenous FGF-2 release, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2008;121(1):130-41, MJ Callaghan, EI Chang, N Seiser, S Aarabi, S. Ghali, ER Kinnucan, BJ Simon, GC Gurtner
• Uniaxial mechanical strain: an in-vitro correlate to distraction osteogenesis, Journal of Surgical Research 2007 Dec 143(2): 329-336, KA Bhatt, EI Chang, SM Warren, SE Lin, N Bastidas, S Ghali, A Thibboneir, JM Capla, JG McCarthy, GC Gurtner
• The Incidence of Late Cephalohematoma following Craniofacial Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2007;120(4):1004-8, S. Ghali, K.R Knox, S. Boutros, C.H Thorne, J.G McCarthy
• Vascular Delay Revisited, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2007; 119(6): 1735-44 (Review), S. Ghali, PE. Butler, OM. Tepper, G.C Gurtner
• Morphology and growth of the mandible in Crouzon, Apert & Pfeiffer syndromes, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2007 Jan;18(1):146-50, S. Boutros, P. Shetye, S. Ghali, C. Carter, J.G McCarthy, B. Grayson
• The distal medial perforators of the lower leg and their accompanying veins, British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2005; 58:1086-9, S. Ghali, N. Bowman, U. Khan
• Leg Length Preservation with Pedicled Fillet of Foot Flaps after Traumatic Amputations, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2005; 115: 498-505, S. Ghali, P. Harris, U. Khan, M. Pearse, J. Nanchahal
• Galactorrhoea causing severe skin breakdown and nipple necrosis following breast reduction, British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2004; 57: 682-684, M. Bentley, S. Ghali, O. Asplund
• Exploración Laparoscópia de la vía biliar.Experiencia de una unidad especializada. , Cirugia Espanola 2002; 71(6): 292-295, J. Griniatsos, A. Wan, S. Ghali, M. Bentley & A.M. Isla
• Attenuation of human nasal airway responses to bradykinin and histamine by inhibitors of Nitric Oxide Synthase, British Journal of Pharmacology 1996; 118:1177-1182, J. W. Dear, S. Ghali & J.C. Foreman