Job title
Consultant neurologist
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Prof. Schrag has a specialist interest in movement disorders, particularly in the clinical aspects of Parkinson’s disease and atypical forms of parkinsonism. Her work on these disorders has been included in a number of national and international guidelines on the diagnosis and management of these disorders.
GMC number
• Schrag A, Sauerbier A, Chaudhuri KR. New clinical trials for nonmotor manifestations of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord. 2015 Sep 15;30(11):1490-504
• Schrag A, Choudhury M, Kaski D, Gallagher DA. Why do patients with Parkinson’s disease fall? A cross-sectional analysis of possible causes of falls. NPJ Parkinson's Disease 1, 2015, 15011; doi:10.1038/npjparkd.2015.11
• Martinez-Martin P, Leentjens AF, de Pedro-Cuesta J, Chaudhuri KR, Schrag AE, Weintraub D. Accuracy of screening instruments for detection of neuropsychiatric syndromes in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord. 2015 Dec 22. doi: 10.1002/mds.26522.
• Lenderking WR, Mannix S, Petrillo J, Kenney C, Landrian A, Schrag AE. Assessment of Parkinson's disease levodopa-induced dyskinesia: a qualitative research study. Qual Life Res. 2015 Feb 6. [Epub ahead of print]
• Schrag A, Horsfall L, Walters K, Noyce A, Petersen I. Pre-diagnostic presentations of Parkinson’s disease in primary care; a case-control study. Lancet Neurol. 2015 Jan;14(1):57-64
• Berardelli A, Wenning GK, Antonini A, Berg D, Bloem BR, Bonifati V, Brooks D, Burn DJ, Colosimo C, Fanciulli A, Ferreira J, Gasser T, Grandas F, Kanovsky P, Kostic V, Kulisevsky J, Oertel W, Poewe W, Reese JP, Relja M, Ruzicka E, Schrag A, Seppi K, Taba P, Vidailhet M. EFNS/MDS-ES recommendations for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Eur J Neurol. 2013 Jan;20(1):16-34.
• Noyce AJ, Bestwick JP, Silveira-Moriyama L, Hawkes CH, Giovannoni G, Lees AJ, Schrag A. Meta-Analysis of Early Non-Motor Features & Risk Factors For Parkinsons Disease. Ann Neurol;72(6):893-901
• Schrag A, Mehta A, Bhatia K, Frackowiak R, Ward N, Trimble M, Rowe J. The functional neuroimaging correlates of psychogenic vs organic dystonia. Brain 2013; 136:770-81
• Schrag A. The Hot-Cross Bun Sign (MRI and MSA). In: Kompoliti K, and Verhagen Metman L (eds.) Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders. Oxford: Academic Press, 2010; p 26.
• Gallagher DA, Parkkinen L, O'Sullivan SS, Spratt A, Shah A, Davey CC, Bremner FD, Revesz T, Williams DR, Lees AJ, Schrag A. Testing an aetiological model of visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease. Brain. 2011 Nov;134:3299-309